On Apr 26, 2:56 pm, James Reeves <jree...@weavejester.com> wrote:
> On 26 April 2011 22:16, Phil Hagelberg <p...@hagelb.org> wrote:
> > That's by design; it only works when the :as alias is the same as the
> > last segment of the namespace name.
> Ah, well even if I use "string/trim" it throws the same error:

Right; this should be fixed in 1.1.1.

> user=> (require 'slam.hound)
> nil
> user=> (slam.hound/reconstruct "src/foobar/core.clj")
> java.lang.Exception: No such namespace: string (core.clj:2)
> > However, there was an unrelated bug causing issues when uncompilable
> > namespaces were on the classpath. I'll have a 1.1.1 fix pushed in a
> > few minutes.
> Is clojure.string an uncompilable namespace, then?

No, it was that foo.bar was uncompilable, and it was looking there for
candidates. But no longer!

There are still a issues with running it in a few places in our
codebase, but they mostly revolve around needing a smarter
disambiguator. I don't have any clear plan for this; it needs hammock
time. Part of it is to allow composable disambiguators and look for
them in project.clj, but that's probably not the whole solution.


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