> So, combine the ClassLoader hackery with slapping "implements
> Serializable" on clojure.lang.IFn?

Actually, I just looked at the implementation code -and this is not
true. Actually, a variadic function is of type RestFn and otherwise it
is of type AFunction. Restfn extends AFunction, and AFunction already
implements Serializable.

So heres what causes the changing names -

In Compiler.java

In the below method of the FnExpr class
static Expr parse(C context, ISeq form, String name) throws Exception

it creates a string name with the following
fn.name = basename+simpleName (around line 3137)

and then at the end, it calls fn.getCompiledClass() - which uses
to create a class using the compiled bytecode and the function name.

So - it seems we need to either change this behavior to not generate
random classes (but there is probably a reason for this?), or to use
a custom classloader (seems better).

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