HB <hubaghd...@gmail.com> writes:

> I'm trying to implement searching algorithm for binary tree.
> (defrecord Node [data left-child right-child])
> (defrecord Tree [root])
> (defn find-node [tree data]
>   "Search for a node"
>   (let [root (:root tree)]
>     (loop [current root]
>       (if (= data (:data current))
>         current
>         (cond
>           (< data (:data current))
>           (> data (:data current)))))))
> I don't know to to set/assign a value for current inside cond form.
> Thank you for help and time.

loop should be paired with recur.  So something like this (untested):

(defn find-node [tree data]
  "Search for a node"
  (loop [current (:root tree)]
     (nil? current) nil
     (< data (:data current)) (recur (:left-child current))
     (> data (:data current)) (recur (:right-child current))
     :else current)))

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