I don't know GAE but it's a web app right? Do you need to make a war
file with a web.xml descriptor for it to find your servlet?

On Feb 10, 9:19 pm, Edgar Gonçalves <edgar.goncal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I just realized there's this 3000 files limit we can upload on a WebApp to
> Google's Application Engine (GAE). I also realized more than 2700 of mine
> were .class files generated by clojure. (Which is obvious, once you think of
> how it works).
> Question: how can I delete those classes and make GAE happy with my
> servlet?
> - I tried simply placing a standalone jar with everything, but it complains
> the servlet can't be found. I've yet to find a valid documentation to
> explain this, but I'm exploring the next idea.
> - I tried erasing all .classes except the .class generated by the
> (:gen-class...) clause in the servlet file. No use, I'm guessing clojure
> code can only be used from .classes, too? Or am I missing something?
> Thanks in advance, all pointers are welcome!

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