On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 1:48 AM, George Jahad
<cloj...@blackbirdsystems.net> wrote:
> As usual, Meikel has the right answer.  But I didn't quite get it at
> first.
> It looks like syntax-quote generates cons's, not lists:
> user> (type (nth `(handler-case :type (println "test") (~'handle foo))
> 3))
> clojure.lang.Cons
> Your macroexpand-1 example worked because the reader doesn't
> distinguish between cons's and lists.
> Because handler-case is expecting a list and syntax-quote won't
> generate one

This also means that macros should not use list? to test whether an
object is a nonatomic s-expression. Unfortunately core doesn't contain
a compact test for atomicity; to get all the list-y things that print
as (foo bar baz ...) you can use something like

  (coll? x)
  (not (or (vector? x) (map? x) (set? x)))

which should return logical true only when x is list-y. Wrap that in a
predicate function and use it in your macros in place of list?.

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