On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Michael Gardner <gardne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the work, Ken.

You're welcome.

> Clojure's multi-threaded performance can be mysterious indeed

I think that may be generally true of multi-processing of every kind. :)

> Anyway, for now I will probably just stick with pmap + shuffle, since it's 
> dead-simple
> and should be enough my purposes.

Probably a good idea, if keeping the input in order is not important.
If you do need to keep the ordering, you can still do the items in a
somewhat perturbed order, if you're willing to give up some laziness:

(defn permute
  "Applies a permutation to a vector. Permutation should be a vector
   of same length with (range n) in some shuffled order. If v is shorter
   than perm, just returns v."
  [perm v]
  (if (< (count v) (count perm))
    (vec (map #(nth v %) perm))))

(defn i-perm
  "Inverts a permutation."
  (let [r (range (count perm))]
        (fn [out [pi ix]] (assoc! out pi ix))
        (transient (vec r))
        (map vector perm r)))))

(defn shuffle
  "Shuffles a vector"
  (let [s (count v)]
    (loop [out (transient v) n (dec s)]
      (if (zero? n)
        (persistent! out)
        (let [i (rand-int (inc n))
              t (out n)]
              (assoc! out n (out i))
              i t)
            (dec n)))))))

Test that shuffle works:

user=> (frequencies (map shuffle (take 500 (repeat [1 2 3]))))
{[3 1 2] 88,
 [2 3 1] 91,
 [1 2 3] 83,
 [2 1 3] 84,
 [3 2 1] 82,
 [1 3 2] 72}

All six possible permutations occur, at reasonably similar rates.

(defn jumbleize
  "Returns a pair of functions one of which will jumble and one of
   which will unjumble a seq; the seq is chunked into parts of
   size n and those parts are jumbled. The functions are lazy in
   that only one chunk is realized at a time."
  (let [rn (vec (range n))
        perms (repeatedly #(shuffle rn))
        ips (map i-perm perms)
        jumble (fn [s perm-seq]
                 (mapcat permute
                   (map vec (partition n n [] s))))]
    [#(jumble % perms) #(jumble % ips)]))

(defn jumbled-pmap
  "Like pmap, only the order in which it sees sequence elements is jumbled
   somewhat, which may improve efficiency if easy and difficult jobs have a
   regular arrangement in the input. Chunks the input by chunk-size and
   jumbles each chunk internally before calling pmap; puts the output back
   in order."
  [chunk-size f & colls]
  (let [[jumbler unjumbler] (jumbleize chunk-size)]
    (unjumbler (apply pmap f (map jumbler colls)))))

user=> (drop 97 (jumbled-pmap 16 #(* % %) (range 100)))
(9409 9604 9801)

user=> (take 3 (drop 50 (jumbled-pmap 16 #(* % %) (range 100))))
(2500 2601 2704)

user=> (take 3 (drop 50 (jumbled-pmap 16 #(+ (* 1000 %1) %2) (range
100) (range 100 180))))
(50150 51151 52152)

That last, BTW, shows it working properly even with multiple input
colls of different lengths.

user=> (take 3 (drop 50 (jumbled-pmap 16 #(+ (* 1000 %1) %2) (iterate
inc 0) (drop 100 (iterate inc 0)))))
(50150 51151 52152)

And this shows that it's still lazy enough not to blow up on infinite inputs. :)

The internal sequences of random permutations and their inverses, as
well as the input sequences, lose their heads:

user=> (take 3 (drop 50000000 (jumbled-pmap 16 #(+ (* 1000 %1) %2)
(iterate inc 0) (drop 100 (iterate inc 0)))))

Memory use stayed constant at a bit more than 64MB, which was probably
the -Xms parameter to the JVM instance Enclojure ran its REPL in.

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