On Wednesday, January 5, 2011 11:06:34 AM UTC+1, David wrote:
> Consider the two definitions: 
> (defn if-let-good [str] 
>   (if-let [rest (seq (drop-while (partial = \a) str))] 
>     (first rest) 
>     "empty")) 
> (defn if-let-bad [seq] 
>   (if-let [rest (seq (drop-while (partial = \a) seq))] 
>     (first rest) 
>     "empty")) 
> The only difference between them is the name of the arg: "str" in the 
> good 
> definition, "seq" in the bad definition. 
> (if-let-good "") 
> =>  "empty" 
> (if-let-bad "") 
> aborts with: 
> java.lang.String cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn 
>   [Thrown class java.lang.ClassCastException] 

Clojure is a Lisp-1: it has a single namespace for functions and variables. 
If you call your parameter seq, you're shadowing the definition of the seq 
function (and trying to call the seq parameter as a function, which is the 
source of the exception you're getting).

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