Curious if anyone has given Lush a try here?
It's essentially a lisp-like way to write C, with lots of integration
with libraries to do numerical computing, machine learning, etc.


On Nov 24, 5:47 pm, CuppoJava <> wrote:
> I must admit that even though I love Clojure and use it daily for many
> things, I don't like using it very much for my research (machine
> learning) which involves a lot of number crunching.
> The main reasons being:
> Numerical software involves a lot of array indexing, and loops, and
> not much else. Clojure's functional data structures are elegant, but
> are not quite fast enough for heavy numerical processing so I still
> need to use native arrays. And if all I'm using is native arrays, the
> java syntax for arrays is much easier on the eyes than a bunch of
> nested s-exps.
> The other reason is that Clojure emphasizes functional programming and
> discourages mutation. This is fine, as I believe well-written code is
> usually functional anyway. The problem is that bad code is usually
> easier to write in an imperative way than a functional way, and the
> ability to write bad code is important I think. It's usually a lot
> quicker to whip up a mutative hack than think through the problem and
> factor out components and be functional about the whole thing. And
> usually, in the very very early stages of programming something, when
> you don't clearly know what it is you're programming, it's nice to be
> able to whip out a quick and dirty mutative hack. And then make it
> nice and elegant and functional later on, but Clojure makes doing that
> difficult for me.
>   -Patrick
> On Nov 24, 3:12 pm, Mike Meyer <mwm-keyword-googlegroups.
>> wrote:
> > On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 09:20:49 -0800 (PST)
> > cej38 <> wrote:
> > > I am a physicist.  I have been using Clojure full time for the last
> > > year and a half.  The reasons that Rich (and most other Clojure
> > > evangelists) give for using Clojure, are all nice and good, but they
> > > point to what computer scientists think about.  If you want scientists
> > > and engineers to think about switching to Clojure, you need to talk to
> > > the concerns that they have.  Of course, there is some overlap.
> > The thing is, I'm not sure it's the best choice for such people. At
> > least, not yet. The LISP-like syntax means you have to explain the
> > code if you publish it, a problem that some alternatives - which have
> > most of your advantages - don't have. Look at Python, a descendant of
> > ABC, which was designed for teaching/prototyping. It's been described
> > as "executable pseudo-code".
> > > Here are some reasons that I would give for using clojure:
> > > 1. Most data analysis gets done by writing little programs that do
> > > certain tasks.  When writing in Fortran I more or less have to write a
> > > new program to do each task.  In clojure, I might have to write a new
> > > function, but I keep finding that functions that I wrote before, will
> > > help with these new problems.  Code re-use is much higher!  Less time
> > > coding.
> > I think this says more about your coding style than Clojure. I find
> > that true in most of the languages I write in, but I structure
> > programs to make it so.
> > > 2. fewer number of parameters that need to be passed into
> > > subroutines.  When writing fortran/C programs, you not only need to
> > > pass in the data, but you also need to pass in parameters that
> > > describe the data.  In clojure, you usually only pass in the data.
> > The same is true of Python, and most modern languages. Clojure's data
> > structures - which make this possible - have been around in other
> > languages for quite a while now.
> > > 3. (related to 2) Everything is a function, thus, as long as the
> > > inputs and outputs are the same, you can change the internals at
> > > will.  This makes it super easy to try rewriting code to make it run
> > > faster.
> > The same is true of Python.
> > > 4. Using the REPL you write fewer bugs.  In an imperative language you
> > > have to make a guess as to how a whole (possibly very long) subroutine
> > > should be written before writing it and then debug.  Using the REPL
> > > you start with the most basic steps of the subroutine, make sure those
> > > work, and then continue to build until you have something that works.
> > This is also true of Python's REPL.
> > > 5. ease of changing function calls to allow for extra stuff/
> > > functionality without breaking other stuff.  An example would be best
> > > here.  Suppose I had defined some function that worked for a specific
> > > purpose:
> > > (defn setzero [value]
> > >  "If value is less than 1.0E-8 setzero returns zero.."
> > >  (if (tolerance? value 1.0E-8) 0 value))
> > The same is true of Python:
> > def setzero(value):
> >     "If value is less than 1.0E-8 setzero returns zero"
> >    return 0 if tolerance_p(value, 1.0E-8) else value
> > > and later I decided that I would really like to use that same function
> > > again, but that 1.0E-8 won't work in this new case.  I can change
> > > setzero so that it will work with all of my old code (without change
> > > to the old code) but I can make it work new code as well.
> > > (defn setzero
> > >  "If value is less than parameter setzero returns zero.  If no
> > > parameter is specified, the default value of 1.0E-8 is used."
> > > ([value]
> > > (setzero value 1.0E-8))
> > > ([value parameter]
> > >  (if (tolerance? value 1.0E-8) 0 parameter)))
> > def setzero(value, parameter=1.0E-8):
> >     """If value is less than parameter setzero returns zero
> >     The default value of parameter is 1.0E-8"""
> >     return 0 if tolerance_p(value, parameter) else value
> > (ok, I followed the comment not the code)
> > > 6. Many types of Concurrency "without all that mucking about in" MPI,
> > > openMP and the like (Thanks to Douglas Adams.)
> > Not true in Python. Worse yet, even the most recent versions of
> > Python's C implementation still suffer with the GIL. This (along with
> > just flat liking functional programming and LISPy languages) is why
> > I'm looking at clojure. But as you say, these are a professional
> > programmers reasons for using it; I'm not sure they carry enough
> > weight to overcome the advantages Python (or other, similar languages)
> > might offer.
> > > 7. Is it a scripting language or a compiled language?  Yes.  Depending
> > > on what you need it for.  I often use the REPL and my code to script
> > > stuff.  There are also times where you want to have a real program as
> > > a JAR file, clojure can be both.
> > The same is true of Python. In fact, it's true twice: if you think
> > that the JVM is fast enough, you can run your code in Jython and
> > leverage Java tools. If that's not fast enough, you can wrap your
> > favorite native FORTRAN libraries (assuming it hasn't already been
> > done) along with a graphics library, and play with them all in the
> > REPL. Not merely exploratory programming, but full-blown visual
> > exploratory data analysis! (Yes, I know incanter does this kind of
> > thing, but it doesn't seem quite as mature - and I believe it runs at
> > JVM speeds.)
> > > 8. Every problem has been solved twice in Java.  Meaning it has been
> > > solved three times in clojure.
> > Java's a relative newcomer. If it's been solved twice in Java, it's
> > probably been solved twice in Python, with wrapped C and C++ solutions
> > available as well. This is not always a good thing...
> > > The underlying theme is that you can quickly write the code that you
> > > need to do your job, so that you can get back to doing your job.
> > At this stage, I suspect that Python is still the better tool for
> > them. The advantages Clojure has over Python are in the "for computer
> > scientists" domain, whereas Python's advantages over Clojure are
> > things that will matter to them: access to libraries they are familiar
> > with, and that it's much easier to read Python code on first exposure,
> > means that sharing results (an important part of the process) is much
> > easier.
> > Especially since there's a community of people willing to help them
> > with it at Of course, if you're trying to get
> > them off FORTRAN, pretty much anything would be an improvement.
> >      <mike
> > --
> > Mike Meyer <>
> > Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
> > O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail

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