On Nov 10, 11:20 pm, "Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Inspired by cgrand's regexp example [1], I've implemented a simple DSL
> for specifying neural networks using Clojure data types.  

This is really clear. The web page documentation is awesome.

> Construction of this simple language involved a number of choices as to
> where to place complexity (into the DSL or into user land), generally I
> erred on the side of leaving complexity out of the DSL resulting in
> potentially more complex usage, but in increased generality.  I'd love
> to hear any feedback on how this could be improved, simplified, or made
> more idiomatic.

Its probably not a direction you want to go in, but when using a Lisp
to specify the network architecture it opens up the possibility of
using genetic programming to design a network to fit a particular
problem. The map format doesn't fit this but, because you use
protocols in the implementation, a list format for the DSL would allow
genetic programming.


Obviously though, their DSL is nowhere as clear and clean as yours.


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