On Nov 6, 7:57 pm, Ken Wesson <kwess...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's a Clojure sieve that works fine up to at least 50
> million and is reasonably fast (though the same algorithm implemented
> in Java is 10x faster even with the type hints and primitive
> arithmetic in the Clojure; not sure why).
> (defn primes-to [n]
>   (let [#^booleans sieve (boolean-array (inc n) true)
>         n (int n)]
>     (loop [p (int 2)]
>       (let [pp (unchecked-multiply p p)]
>         (if (> pp n)
>           (filter identity (map #(if %1 %2) (drop 2 sieve) (iterate inc 2)))
>           (do
>             (loop [i pp]
>               (aset sieve i false)
>               (let [j (unchecked-add i p)]
>                 (if (<= j n)
>                   (recur j))))
>             (let [q (int
>                       (loop [p (unchecked-inc p)]
>                         (if (aget sieve p)
>                           p
>                           (recur (unchecked-inc p)))))]
>               (recur q))))))))

Returning a lazy seq doesn't seem to make much sense here,
especially since (map ... (drop 2 sieve)) holds onto the
sieve array. Returning a vector instead drops the runtime
of (time (count (primes-to 10000000))) from 5.3 s to 0.5 s
on my machine:

(loop [r (transient [2])
       i 3]
  (if (>= i n)
    (persistent! r)
      (if (aget sieve i)
        (conj! r i)
      (+ 2 i))))

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