> (defrecord Foo [properties]
>   Fooable
>   (foo [f]
>     (let [s (java.util.HashSet.)]
>      (doto s
>        (doseq [p properties] (.add s p))))))
> When I load/reload the above code in the repl I get this error
> <CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: doseq requires a
> vector for its binding (config.clj:22)>

The problem is the way you're calling doto, not the defrecord.  If you
macroexpand the doto, you'll get something like:

(clojure.core/let [G__1646 s] (doseq G__1646 [p properties] (.add s p)) G__1646)

doto puts your 's' as the first argument in all the forms.  So the
first argument to doseq is no longer your binding vector, and so doseq
doesn't like it.

> If I change my defrecord to,
> (defrecord Foo [properties]
>   Fooable
>   (foo [f]
>     (let [s (java.util.HashSet.)]
>      (doto s (add-props s properties)))))

This macroexpands to something like:

(clojure.core/let [G__1649 s] (add-props G__1649 s properties) G__1649)

That's not quite what you want either, because the set gets passed to
add-props twice.

You want:

(defrecord Foo [properties]
  (foo [f]
    (let [s (java.util.HashSet.)]
     (doto s (add-props properties)))))

Or, more concisely:

(defrecord Foo [properties]
  (foo [f]
     (doto (java.util.HashSet.) (add-props properties))))

But there's also a typo in your add-props:  the (.add p) needs to
become (.add s p)

Then again, you may just want (set properties) instead of the whole
doto thing, to save yourself the effort!

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