Common lisp allows you to call DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION.
(Steele p830) There is a default generic method combination
defined which can be modified by this call.
If Clojure used a function to do the method resolution
then it would be possible to replace this with a user defined
function. This would allow all kinds of dispatching control.
Tim Daly
On 10/25/2010 5:55 PM, Mark Nutter wrote:
So in this particular case I wouldn't care, but in general I'd expect
the prefer-method stuff to kick in. :)
Oops, forgot about prefer-method. My noobishness is showing again.
Well, in for a dime in for a dollar. Here's something I whipped up
just for the general amusement of the list. It's not quite what you
asked for, but it might be suitable as a source of ideas, instruction,
derision, or whatever.
(defmulti bar (fn [x y& more] [x y]))
(defmethod bar :default [x y& more]
(if more ; did default loop back to itself?
(some identity [(bar :wild y x)
(bar x :wild y)])))
(defmethod bar [:wild 16] [x-wild y& more]
(let [x (first more)]
(str "First arg wild " x ", " y)))
(defmethod bar [42 :wild] [x y-wild& more]
(let [y (first more)]
(str "Second arg wild " x ", " y)))
(defmethod bar [10 20] [x y]
(pr-str "Plain vanilla args " x ", " y))
user> (bar 10 20)
"\"Plain vanilla args \" 10 \", \" 20"
user> (bar 42 20)
"Second arg wild 42, 20"
user> (bar 10 16)
"First arg wild 10, 16"
user> (bar 42 16)
"First arg wild 42, 16"user> (bar 10 20)
"\"Plain vanilla args \" 10 \", \" 20"
user> (bar 42 20)
"Second arg wild 42, 20"
user> (bar 10 16)
"First arg wild 10, 16"
user> (bar 42 16)
"First arg wild 42, 16"
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