Well, taking a brief look over your code, it seems like the main
difference is that scriptjure is macro-based, so all the code generation
gets done at compile-time.

That makes scriptjure faster, but at the expense of needing an unquote
form - "(clj ...)" - to splice clojure expressions into the javascript source


jim <jim.d...@gmail.com> writes:

> I've heard of scriptjure but never used it or looked at it. My
> interests took me in another direction and I've never circled back. I
> would be interested to know how the differ.
> Thanks,
> Jim
> On Oct 11, 3:21 am, Steve Purcell <st...@sanityinc.com> wrote:
>> jim <jim.d...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > Due to popular demand*, I resuscitated my code to generate javascript
>> > from s-expressions. This was what I coded to learn about logic
>> > programming in Clojure.
>> > Github:http://github.com/jduey/js-gen
>> > Clojars:http://clojars.org/net.intensivesystems/js-gen
>> > *actually it was just one person, but I'm easily swayed.
>> Neat! You've seen Scriptjure, I expect, so it'd be interesting to hear
>> how your library differs:
>> http://github.com/arohner/scriptjure
>> -Steve

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