CodeBuilders is a small programming club in Gainesville, Florida, that
meets about twice per week to work on programming projects (mostly in
Clojure). The other two members are very new to programming, but
learning fast as we build a Tic Tac Toe game together.

The club is a lot more active than the mailing list would suggest,
because most of our planning is face-to-face or via text messages.

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Andrew Gwozdziewycz <> wrote:
> Hey All,
> I know there are certainly a few groups out there (organized via
> or otherwise) which I see things posted about from time to
> time on the list. I'd like to propose that we make an effort to list
> these groups on Meetup Everywhere (,
> which is a free platform useful for finding a nearby meetup about a
> given topic. Please note, this is not meant to overtake your existing
> organization method. Everywhere is designed to be agnostic in regards
> to organization platform.
> If enough groups start listing there, it might make sense to then post
> a link on the Clojure site to help people find their local user group:
> I can make changes to the page as necessary.
> Cheers,
> Andrew
> --
> --
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