In common lisp I use the (disassemble) function which generally
gives back an assembler listing of the code that would be executed.
Is there a Java function which will return the byte codes that get
executed? Could this be used to create a (disassemble) function for
Clojure? Having such a function means that you don't have to guess
what the program is actually doing.
On 9/19/2010 1:19 PM, Ranjit wrote:
Hi Nicholas,
Thanks for the advice. I already tried (set! *warn-on-reflection*
true), but it doesn't generate any warnings for any of these
I tried adding ^doubles in gaussian-matrix1 as you suggested but that
didn't really change the speed at all. And changing next-gaussian to a
macro didn't make much difference to gaussian-matrix1, and it doesn't
work with gaussian-matrix2 at all and I'm not quite sure yet how to
fix it so it does.
I would have thought gaussian-matrix1 would be faster than gaussian-
matrix2, but it turns out it's the opposite. Then I thought that the
reason using aset was slower must have something to do with
reflection, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
So I'm a bit confused now.
More generally though, the main reason I wanted to use Java arrays was
because I have to use FFT's in my simulation and I figured it would be
better to do everything in Java arrays rather than copy a Clojure
vector into a 2d array and back every time I needed to do an FFT. But
am I wrong in thinking that?
On Sep 19, 11:20 am, Nicolas Oury<> wrote:
A first good start is to put
(set! *warn-on-relection* true) at the start of the file and removes
all reflective access.
Before the 1.3 release, function cannot receive/returns primitive so
you might consider
(defmacro next-gaussian []
`(.nextGaussian ^Random r))
(^Random is here to make sure r is seen with the right type)
in both function, add ^doubles before arr at the binding point.
(defn ... [^doubles arr....])
then set will not be rflective and be as fast as a set in java.
Ask other questions of you need more help.
The best reference on all that:
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Ranjit<> wrote:
I'm trying learn Clojure to see if I can use it in my simulations, and
one thing I need to do is generate arrays of normally distributed
I've been able to come up with the following two ways of doing this.
gaussian-matrix2 is a lot faster than gaussian-matrix1, but I'm not
sure why. And it's still slower than it should be I think. Is there
anything I can do to speed this up still further?
(import java.util.Random)
(def r (Random. ))
(defn next-gaussian [] (.nextGaussian r))
(defn gaussian-matrix1 [arr L]
(doseq [x (range L) y (range L)] (aset arr x y (next-gaussian))))
(defn gaussian-matrix2 [L]
(into-array (map double-array (partition L (repeatedly (* L L)
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