I'm not sure what your point is. If I want to write a hello world php
script on a unix
system, but apache and mod_php weren't setup. I'd first have to install them
and configure them.

This is only easy these days because most linux come with apache installed,
php installed, mod_php preconfigured for you.

You want something simple that requires no config, this can happen
during dev. Just write the hello world, and start the embedded jetty using

If you really just want to serve hello world, you don't need to resort to
deploy a war file. you can just take that hello world script, start the embeded
jetty and mod_proxy to it. That's hardly the "production way", but
then I don't know that writing a web app that prints 1 line is really
very production

Now it's true that there are some overhead to make sure your webapp produce
a war file and can be deployed to ANY containers. It's not 3/1/0 as you claimed.

But it's a pretty small part of the web app dev cycle in my experience. I mean,
it's not like I spend 90% of my time writing config files and 10% of my time
writing clojure/groovy/java/(insert whatever jvm language) code, web dev or

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Mike Meyer
<mwm-keyword-googlegroups.620...@mired.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Sep 2010 07:46:22 -0700 (PDT)
> Meikel Brandmeyer <m...@kotka.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't know what the full definition of "deploy" is, but here is an
>> example, that should serve as a starting point: http://m.3wa.com/?p=472
> That's a good example of simple things not being simple.
> Before I've seen a single line of code, I see I need to create an
> order of magnitude more lines of boilerplate than lines of code in the
> application using a framework that makes simple things simple.

Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.

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