Is it feasable to create a literate haskell like alternate format for Clojure?

2010/9/6 Tim Daly <>:
> See
> which is "in process" to become a fully literate computer
> algebra system. 20 volumes so far and a lot of documentation
> still to come.
> Once a system gets larger than one person's head (e.g. Rich's)
> then the question of "why" becomes interesting. Once it becomes
> large enough to have a full community the question of "why"
> becomes vital. Unfortunately, the "why" answers rarely get
> written down by the primary developers and the follow-on developers
> have to guess.
> Literate programs are a place to write down what motivates a design
> choice (the "why") so that others can share the same motivation.
> Thus when they see really complex code (e.g. 32-tries) they can
> judge whether this is still reasonable ("should we use 64-tries?")
> or whether it should just go away ("the hardware doesn't have cache").
> Without the motivation the code will be mangled by well-meaning coders.
> The Clojure project needs an english major to become the "editor-in-chief".
> This person should not let any code enter the core or the accepted contrib
> without a strong story line. Good code, like good characters, should have
> strong motivations for what gets done. We should just be able to download
> the Clojure "book", read it, and execute it.
> Maybe Stu can get his book editor on board :-)
> Tim Daly
> Joop Kiefte wrote:
>> To have a good idea of how this can work, see Literate Haskell
>> 2010/9/6 Tim Daly <>:
>>> The literate programming discussion centered around the question
>>> "what should be the state of the art in clojure documentation",
>>> not "what is the state of the art in clojure documentation".
>>> If you're looking for API documentation then literate programming
>>> is the wrong tool. An API would document calling conventions and
>>> something like javadoc would be most appropriate. For the API see
>>> A literate program is intended as a novel-like presentation where
>>> the code is presented along with its motivation. So you would expect
>>> to find a discussion of why 32-way trie-like structures are used in
>>> data structures or why data structures are immutable. This information
>>> is available in some videos but has not been associated with the code.
>>> Tim Daly
>>> Mark Engelberg wrote:
>>>> I spent some time recently documenting a large clojure project.  The
>>>> approach I used was a combination of doc-strings, comments throughout
>>>> my code, and a project-wide emacs-org-mode file summarizing the point
>>>> of each file, the important functions in each file categorized by
>>>> purpose, and an overview of how to use those functions effectively.
>>>> It worked, but I'm not entirely pleased with the result.  There was a
>>>> lot of duplication between the org-mode file and the comments within
>>>> the files, and I have a feeling it will be hard to maintain the
>>>> documentation as the project evolves.
>>>> autodoc doesn't work on Windows, but even if it does, I'm not certain
>>>> it would be sufficient for me.  As far as I know, it's main purpose is
>>>> to show an alphabetized API of all the public functions and
>>>> docstrings, which is a good start, but doesn't allow for the kind of
>>>> categorization and usage notes I think would be ideal.  A couple years
>>>> ago, when I was doing a lot of Actionscript coding, I fell in love
>>>> with Natural Docs ( and this is really the
>>>> kind of thing I would most enjoy using if I'm going the route of
>>>> automatically extracting comments and doc strings, because it gives
>>>> good control over how the API is organized, and the extra annotations
>>>> are quite readable in the code.
>>>> The recent post of the website that displays the clojure API
>>>> categorized by purpose is a good example of the kind of thing I'm
>>>> looking for.  Recently, there was a thread about Literate Programming,
>>>> including org-babel and Mark Fredrickson's changeling lein plugin,
>>>> which also raised interesting possibilities.  So I'm guessing a lot of
>>>> people are interested in versatile doc tools and are working on and
>>>> exploring the options.
>>>> So this seems like a good time to ask:  what is the current
>>>> state-of-the-art in Clojure documentation tools?
>>> --
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