you'd import semantic.hello

then in your java code, you
would first create it by doing new semantic.hello()

then you can call it form java by doing
<objectNameYouCreated>.sayhello() without the -

you also need to define your sayhello differently I think.

it needs to be  (defn -sayhello [this] (println "Hello from
clojure!")) Only -main doesn't need

On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 12:04 PM, sebastien <> wrote:
> I understand that after AOT compilation Clojure namespaces and
> functions became completely normal Java classes and can be called from
> any Java code, is it correct? If so, how will look like this call? For
> example, I have clojure module:
> (ns semantic.hello
>  (:gen-class))
> (defn -sayhello [] (println "Hello from clojure!"))
> (defn -main [] (-sayhello))
> and I want to call function -sayhello from Java program:
> import ???
> class Test {
>    public static void main(String[] args) {
>         ???
>    }
> }
> What should I write instead of ??? signs?
> I know that the answer is easy, but it seems like I'm missing
> something all the time.

Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.

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