2010/7/20 Chas Emerick <cemer...@snowtide.com>

> Saving a file is not an invitation to do anything with the REPLs that I
> started -- it's an invitation to save the file! :-D
> And no, I write a lot of code in the REPL at all.  I *load* a lot of code
> into REPLs, yes, multiple active REPLs, all the time.  Actually writing code
> in what is almost always a 2nd-class environment (compared to a proper
> editor) doesn't make any sense to me.
> I see three issues here:
> (a) Should ccw provide the richest possible editing experience, e.g. code
> completion, symbol navigation, etc, etc?
> (b) Should the implementation of (a) automatically and silently modify the
> state of a running program initiated by the user?

You're right. When ccw will be remotely connected to web server instances,
the current behaviour will be a recipe for disaster. The "middle way" is
definitely the final target, but providing good defaults for the
"smart-reload-on-save" should be studied.
Here are my thoughts for the defaults:
  a. jvm loaded by ccw: 99% of the times it's in "dev mode" =>
smart-reload-on-save true by default
  b. connection to a remote REPL: 99% it's for "touching" more "sensible"
environments (test serveur, pre-production server) => smart-reload-on-save
false by default

> (c) To what extent should running REPLs be "synchronized" with the codebase
> in question?

Well, the IDE should assist the user, right ? :-) So the value of c) must be
compared relatively to the values of other potential enhancements, not
thougt about in isolation.

> I'd answer an emphatic "yes", "no", and "probably not much", respectively.
> What's odd to me about this "debate" is that issue (c) would appear to be a
> very difficult problem to solve in general for very little gain.  Certainly
> at the edges, people are going to have unusual and/or long-running build
> processes that either the tool will not know how to invoke "properly" (i.e.
> as they would be in the normal course of development), or that will be
> simply too long-running to fit within an interactive setting.  This is to
> say nothing of automatically ns-unmap'ing deleted vars, dealing with files
> that are in an interim state (which, as many have mentioned, is the case 98%
> of the time), and other stuff that I'm surely not thinking of.
> As far as I can tell, the advantage of all the work associated with
> tackling (c) is....to help people avoid understanding how to work with REPLs
> (perhaps to somehow nudge the environment as a whole a hair closer to an
> image-based environment?...though that's speculation on my part).  Knowing
> how to work with REPLs, and understanding the relationship between them and
> source files and (if one uses AOT) classfiles is paramount to being able to
> use Clojure effectively IMO.  If anyone were to get the impression that
> REPLs are really just an editor feature, are managed automatically, and are
> not a natural outcropping of Clojure being a lisp, they'd be at a
> disadvantage.
> Totally FWIW, I think enclojure's REPL support is stellar (some are
> probably tired of hearing me say that).  I think ccw (or any other
> "integrated environment") would do well to ape it as much as possible
> (something I aim to help with, but I'm underwater at the moment).

Chas, that's not a problem if you cannot work on this as you offered to do.
I just wish you had told me that sooner, because that's an area on which I
also can (and would like to) work, but I had stopped touching it since you
volunteered (my work on paredit enhancements is slow currently, so I want to
start something else in parallel).

> - Chas
> On Jul 19, 2010, at 2:50 PM, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> That's interesting ! Thanks for the feedback.
> Please note that it's not "impolite" in the sense that there's a policy:
> the project is reloaded in the REPL when the file is saved - that's a kind
> of "invitation" made by the user :-).
> If you don't work from the files, but from the REPL, nothing will happen
> automatically.
> If you work from the files, then you simply do not save the files until
> you're "happy" with the codebase. You can make several roundtrips between
> the file's content and the REPL (even via keyboard shortcuts) without saving
> the files. Ultimately, when you want to quit, you have to quit the REPL
> anyway, and you have the option to save the files or not.
> Does this answer make sense ?
> There's also the problem of "I save file A", and all project namespaces are
> reloaded as well. By maintaining a dependency graph of the namespaces
> relationships (easily obtained dynamically via the REPL), I may be able to
> only reload the expected namespaces. Some may see this as a feature -
> ensuring that all functions which depend on namespace A macros are
> recompiled -, I can see that some may see this as a recipe for disaster if
> reloading the namespaces also reloads global-var-as-data contents. Proper
> use of defonce may help there ?
> Anyway, I didn't expect you reaction to be soo opinionated, and it's
> refreshing to hear others thoughts.
> Let's see how others react to what you wrote !
> Cheers,
> --
> Laurent
> 2010/7/19 Chas Emerick <cemer...@snowtide.com>
>> Automatically reloading namespaces into a REPL that I'm actively using is
>> a very bad idea -- I expect to control what happens within REPLs I start,
>> and subverting that is decidedly impolite IMO.  I can expect to see odd
>> behaviour when that happens, insofar as I assume new code I've written
>> hasn't yet been put into play.
>> (I actually didn't realize that this is how ccw's completion, etc were
>> implemented, but I've not been able to verify that behaviour -- adding a new
>> def to a source file and saving it does not seem to add the defined var to
>> the REPL, so perhaps I'm misunderstanding things).
>> To answer your open question directly: if an IDE/plugin/whatever stops
>> REPLs I've created (and potentially poured hours of time into to get data
>> into particular states, etc), then I'll never touch that environment again.
>>  Your suggestion (a) that code be automatically loaded in an IDE-managed and
>> -started REPL is the right direction -- that's an implementation detail that
>> I rightfully don't care about one way or the other.
>> The "desynchronization" issue that you're worried about is not a concern
>> as far as I'm concerned, and I suspect that'd be a typical reaction.  A REPL
>> should have only one point of input in the base case -- the user of the
>> REPL.  Tinkering with that is violating a variety of expectations.  If the
>> user wants to have some new code she's written loaded into the REPL, she'll
>> do that of her own accord -- and if there's a variety of changed files, then
>> having a "reload all" command associated with each directory or project
>> makes sense.
>> Cheers,
>> - Chas
>> On Jul 19, 2010, at 8:35 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently thinking about the next step for better user-assistance in
>> Eclipse/counterclockwise.
>> But the questions I'm facing are general - enough so that they can be
>> posted here.
>> Preliminary info:
>> user assistance (code completion, var documentation, etc.) is mainly
>> obtained from a running instance of a REPL for the project.
>> Currently in ccw, I "try to be smart" by reacting as such when a file is
>> saved by the user: I automatically reload all the project's namespaces into
>> the project's running REPL (if there is one).
>> That way, user-assistance in the IDE is as accurate as possible, and I
>> avoid desynchronisation (technically speaking, I currently "obtain" this
>> feature by AOT-compiling the project's namespaces, but that's an
>> implementation detail) between what is saved in the project's files, and
>> what is loaded in the REPL.
>> In the future, I intend to be even smarter :-)
>>   * By being more "incremental" regarding which namespaces to call
>> "reload" on.
>>   * And also by providind ways for people with "corner-case projects" to
>> disable the "automatic reload" feature for the whole project, or for
>> specific namespaces.
>>   * But one question(*) remains open: should I stop to use the
>> user-created REPL as the target of these "automatic reloads" ? Currently, if
>> the user has not launched any REPL, he cannot benefit from IDE assistance
>> requiring a running REPL.
>>     a. So having an "IDE-dedicated live server REPL" seems like I could
>> relieve the user from explicitly launching a REPL (it's weird and
>> counter-intuitive for a user to have to somehow "manually" trigger the IDE
>> user assistance !).
>>     b. But if I do so, then the "automatic reloads" will now happen on the
>> "IDE-dedicated server REPL", not on the REPL(s) the user will manually
>> launch. And again there will be a desynchronization between the user's REPL
>> loaded code and the project's saved files content ...
>> Users of Counterclockwise, Enclojure, La Clojure, please speak ! What
>> behaviour do you expect from your IDE in this area ? (please do not answer
>> in general terms, but try to the same precision-level of this email, or even
>> more precise).
>> Users of Emacs / swank, vimClojure (etc.), please speak ! Share with us
>> your workflows, why you think the goal I'm trying to achieve is good or not,
>> so that we could think of better workflows to provide to IDE users if it
>> seems appropriate.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> --
>> Laurent
>> (*) and many more, but I'd like to start with this one :-)
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