On 1 Lug, 17:47, Brian Schlining <bschlin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Where I struggle is with the practicalities of managing the classpath.
> > From what I can tell, there is no way of modifying the classpath from
> > a running Java/Clojure program (barring use of a custom classloader
> > which sounds like deep magic).
> There's URLClassLoader for loading classes at runtime. Javadocs are 
> athttp://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/net/URLClassLoader.html. There's
> an old thread about using it 
> athttp://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=300557&start=0&tstart=0

Using a classloader manually is sub-optimal because the rest of
Clojure, which doesn't know anything about the user-created
classloader, wouldn't use it to load classes; you'd have to use the
reflection API yourself to manipulate them.

I recently added to ABCL the possibility of modifying which
classloader to use, and to add to it dynamically new paths/URLs. I
suspect that doing the same for Clojure would be easy, if the points
where it loads classes are few - and they probably are.

> Groovy has a very elegant solution for adding dependencies (from Maven and
> Ivy repos) to scripts. Seehttp://groovy.codehaus.org/Grapes+and+grab(). If
> some astute Clojure hacker with far more time than I were to grok the grape
> code and create a similar dependency engine for Clojure, well it would
> greatly expand Clojure's use for scripting and likely solve many of the
> issues you're finding with CLASSPATH

That's really nice!

> > Python doesn't have these issues because (a) conventionally,
> > dependencies are installed into the site-packages directory which is
> > on the standard sys.path - it appears to me that the JVM doesn't have
> > such an "always available" install location,
> Actually there is such a thing. For most JRE's/JDK's drop the
> 'always-available-jars' in JRE_HOME/lib/ext. On Mac's you would place them
> in /Library/Java/Extensions. Keep in mind that this is generally discouraged
> in favor of setting the classpath on a per-application basis.

There's a reason for that being discouraged: if you install a new
version of the JRE/JDK, you'll have to copy your jars there by hand.
Since Java auto-updates itself, at least on Windows, that's quite
dangerous. Typically Java applications for end users come with a
launch script to set the classpath; perhaps a function to generate
such a script from Clojure would solve the problem in most cases?


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