On 11 June 2010 22:52, Matt <macourt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have thought about much of what you posted. My replies are below.
> 1. I have looked at stronger integration of ring and Conjure, but the
> latest version of Ring was a big change from the previous version and
> I wanted to get a new version of Conjure out. When I wrote the code
> handling parameters, cookies and sessions, Ring did not.

I was in much the same position as you a few months ago. Refactoring
Compojure to use the Ring libraries took a lot of work, so I have an
idea of the amount of effort involved :)

> I would much rather rely on Ring for those areas, however, I'm
> not sure if cookies and sessions will integrate with Conjure.
> I'll take a look at it.

If they don't, let me know. I know the session handling is a little
opinionated, although libraries like Sandbar have been developed to
give Ring cookies a more stateful feel.

> 2. I've looked at Leiningen in the past, and decided it was too much
> work to switch over and didn't really gain me anything since Conjure
> isn't a library. The only way Leiningen would help is in removing the
> jars from the lib directory. I may update lancet to pull jars from
> clojars, but I think someone would kill me for that. :)

But is there any advantage to having all the code in a framework
structure? Ruby on Rails itself keeps its core libraries in gems.

Perhaps you could package Conjure as a normal jar, and then write a
"conjure" shell script that would create a project skeleton and
downloads all the right jar files. This is probably the nearest
Clojure equivalent to the way RoR handles it.

Another idea is to write a conjure Leiningen plugin. Then developers
could create a project using Leiningen, and then use "lein conjure" to
generate all the directory paths, etc. e.g.

$ lein new my-project
$ cd my-project
$ vim project.clj  # add conjure deps
$ lein deps
$ lein conjure skeleton
... generates conjure skeleton ...
$ lein conjure server
... starts conjure server ...

I honestly think the biggest disadvantage of Conjure right now is that
it doesn't behave like a normal Clojure library. Other than that, it
looks pretty good!

RoR started off with much the same structure as Conjure, but has been
slowly moving away from it. RoR 3 is now basically just a bunch of
libraries and a script that generates a very thin directory structure.

> 3. You're the third person this week to mention something about making
> Conjure apps into a war file. I'm making this highest priority. I'm
> not sure if I need to rearrange the directory structure. I don't have
> much experience with war files. I guess I will soon.

I believe there's a leiningen-war project on GitHub that generates war
files for a Leiningen project. You may want to take a look at that.

> 5. I'll check out clout, but I have the routing like I want it. I've
> made it flexible enough to use the Rails like routing (older version)
> and still allow people to create their own routing. Actually, looking
> at clout just now, I think I can just drop it in.

If there's any problem with dropping it in, let me know. I tried to
make it as straightforward as possible, but I might not have thought
of everything :)

- James

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