BTW, there will also be a 24h lightning round for those who can't
waste an extended weekend.

On Jun 12, 11:51 am, Eugen Dück <> wrote:
> I plan on doing ICFP 2010 next weekend in clojure (1.1), if the
> problem is interesting. In preparation, I'm currently doing the
> (implementation-wise) crucial bits of last year's contest.
> I put the first part of my implementation 
> online:
> so anyone who's interested do have a look.
> It would be great to see others participating in this year's contest!
> I found last year's problem really interesting - implementing a vm and
> a binary file parser and then using it to solve the actual problems.
> You can form teams of any size.
> And if I get any good suggestions (you can comment in my blog), I'll
> work them into the code, so it can be used as a cheat sheet in case we
> get similar problems this year.
> There's one question that came up when I implemented this. Is there a
> way to get the name of a clojure function, when all I have is the
> function object? Is it stored alongside the function? I didn't see any
> metadata or anything. Would I really have to reverse lookup the name
> in some namespace maps?
> The hack I'm currently using is a reverse-lookup map that I manually
> fill with all the functions that I need, which is only a few:
> user=> (def fn-to-name { > ">" < "<" = "=" >= ">=" <= "<=" })
> #'user/fn-to-name
> user=> (fn-to-name >)
> ">"
> Cheers
> Eugen

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