"Meikel Brandmeyer" <m...@kotka.de> said:
> On May 31, 10:58 am, "Sina K. Heshmati" <s...@khakbaz.com> wrote:
>> foo.datatype-01 => (reset! state 13)
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Again: of course you can! You are in the same namespace! In Clojure
> the "unit" is a namespace and not a type. If you want this level
> privateness you have to use one namespace per type. However this is
> not really the Clojure Way.

Here's my concern:

- My program (A) is running.
- B is running on the same VM.
- B accesses the state of A.
- B alters the state of A in an inconsistent way e.g. whenever the internal 
state x changes, the internal state y also has to change accordingly, but B 
only changes x.
- A is screwed.

The author of Clojure calls encapsulation a folly but I don't understand why 
(?) How can we avoid situations like the one explained above?

I came up with the following, which does what I want by relying on the lexical 
scope of functions. This is OK but the only problem is the fact that I have to 
hardcode function calls for each type method.

(defprotocol prot-a
  (op-a [self x y]))

(let [state (atom 10)]
  (defn op-a
    [self x y]
    (+ x y (.member self) @state)))

(deftype t-a [member]
  (op-a [self x y]
    (op-a self x y)))

(def t-a-1 (t-a. 5))

Is there a way to pass the function itself rather than making a new function 
that calls the exact same function with the same arguments?

Kind regards,

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