Hello ataggart,

thank you for the correction!
Only now I understand A.Rosts question. May be somebody can help, and
explain why my hypothesis was wrong. Obviousely, while functions are
first class, special forms are even "better", kind of zeroth class.

Thank you, alux

On 31 Mai, 04:15, ataggart <alex.tagg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 30, 12:45 pm, alux <alu...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi A.,
> > I dont completely understand what you refer to with "works correct".
> > You define a local variable, named do, and use it.  That works of
> > course. Btw you may use it without the call to var
> > (def do println)
> > (do "example")
> It only appears to "work"; the second line is still using the special
> form.  You can see this more clearly here:
> user=> (def if println)
> #'user/if
> user=> (if "hi")
> java.lang.Exception: Too few arguments to if (NO_SOURCE_FILE:22)
> user=> ((var if) "hi")
> hi
> nil
> The "hi" is from the println function, the "nil" is what was returned
> from the call.

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