The people have spoken! The trims have it!
I've done Perl coding and I still mix up chomp and chop. The meaning
of trim, ltrim, and rtrim is immediately clear to me.
trim, ltrim, and rtrim could take an optional argument for characters
to strip:
(rtrim foo) ;; strip trailing whitespace
(rtrim foo "\r\n") ;; equivalent to chomp
If clojure.contrib.string/butlast actually mirrored clojure.core/
butlast, it would do the same as chop (c.c.s/butlast requires an extra
On May 26, 2:08 pm, Fogus <> wrote:
"chomp" has a clear meaning to anyone who's touched Perl/Ruby/shell-
Believe me I can sympathize with this, but just because they are
known to some doesn't mean that they are good names. On that note,
just because rtrim and less make sense to me... you know the
rest. :-)
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