On May 18, 10:47 am, "Heinz N. Gies" <he...@licenser.net> wrote:
> Out of curiosity, can you remove the pmap and run them in the opposite order? 
> as first (time (reps-sorted1? dreps)) then (time (reps-sorted2? dreps))?

user=> (time (reps-sorted1? dreps))
"Elapsed time: 8254.967 msecs"
(defn reps-sorted2? [dreps]
  (->> dreps (map (fn [[_ days]]  ; NB pmap 3x slower here!
    (let [s (map first days)]
      (every? true? (map >= s (cons (first s) s))))))
    (every? true?)))
user=> (time (reps-sorted2? dreps))
"Elapsed time: 15635.756 msecs"

Still twice as slower...
-- Alexy

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