On 17 май, 12:07, Laurent PETIT <laurent.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes,
> as David wrote,
> What you're describing is not single-dispatch-based polymorphism (e.g.
> like in java), it's double dispatch (because you want to dispatch to
> the implementation of the protocol function based on both the type and
> another parameter which may be totally dynamic, or materialized -when
> serialized- by some key in the configuration - spring bean name,
> etc.).

That makes sense. It looks like I was trying to avoid explicit
double-dispatch by manipulating the protocol at runtime. Is it abuse
of dynamic features of Clojure?

> Protocols are based on a single dispatch mechanism, as classical
> "class based" languages (e.g. Java) are.
> When you write "kind of expandability almost free with well-designed
> OO systems", I guess this design implies some kind of implementation
> of the Strategy pattern, or more probably Delegation pattern.

What I was actually talking about is the possibility to avoid global
state and being able to extend existing implementation to multiple
instances without much refactoring.

Protocols and multimethods both have global state. From what I saw in
Clojure source protocols are manipulated by changing root binding of
associated var, and multimethods are actually mutable functions
changed by defmethod (I see inconsistency here).

There is no standard way to create multimethod or protocol without
binding it to global var. Why is it possible to create non-global
function but not multimethod?


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