The problem with STM is that it adds significant overheads to modification
costs.  In a "classic" imperative programming language like Java or C#,
stores to variables compile down to simple memory writes- very cheap.  An
STM memory write, by contrast, is 10x or 100x more expensive (depending upon
particulars in how the STM is written).  So in functional programming
languages, like Haskell and Clojure, writes are rare, so the additional cost
is minimal.

For example, consider the case where you're sharing a map of objects across
multiple threads.  The standard way to do that in Clojure is to drop an
immutable map into a reference cell.  Updating the map only requires one TM
write- to the reference cell (one nice thing about immutable data structures
is that you don't have to synchronize on them).  A Java implementation would
have a mutable map, meaning you'd have O(log N) TM writes.  If each write
takes a few hundred clock cycles, the difference between one write and
several dozen writes becomes important.

I wrote about this more fully here:

I'm talking about Haskell, but most of my comments apply to Clojure as well.


On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 1:35 PM, Angel Java Lopez <>wrote:

> Hi people!
> A 2008 paper, I just received today via twitter
> *Software transactional memory**: why is it only a research toy?*
> Angel "Java" Lopez
> On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Brian <> wrote:
>> Not directly related to Clojure but I thought this would be of interest to
>> folks:
>>  --
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