What you are talking about is commonly referred to as a "barrier" in
parallel processing.  All processes coordinated on a given barrier
must each reach the barrier before any one may cross it.

Simply putting a barrier check into the message queue of an Clojure
agent would not be sufficient as I understand the agents to be free to
re-order message processing.  You could build an ordered message queue
with one of the other types like ref, and have threads for processing
each queue, that will appropriately block on barriers.  That seems
straightforward (it's possible there is some other feature in clojure
I'm unaware of that will give you this)


On Apr 21, 9:56 am, Garth Sheldon-Coulson <g...@mit.edu> wrote:
> Hi All,
> The moment one sends a post one starts thinking about it from a critical
> perspective.
> I think I may have grown so used to the idea that nothing in Clojure can
> deadlock that I completely overlooked the possibility of deadlock in the
> idea I proposed. If two serfs are the targets of two different transactions,
> and those transactions happen to enter the serfs' queues in different
> orders, the serfs will wait forever for each other to become free. Classic
> deadlock.
> So, this stands as a challenge: Is there any way to get coordinated,
> asynchronous, guaranteed-in-order modification of state? Or is it a pick-two
> situation?
> Thanks,
> Garth
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Garth Sheldon-Coulson <g...@mit.edu>wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > This e-mail is the product of some musing about refs, agents, and atoms. I
> > would like to offer some thoughts on a possible fourth reference type that
> > allows coordinated, asynchronous modification of state.
> > I would greatly appreciate comments from the community. Maybe some of these
> > ideas have already been discussed on the list or incorporated into
> > development, in which case I'm sorry for repeating what is already
> > known---and please point me in the right direction so I can read more. I
> > hope the ideas are not too far off base, but please let me know if you think
> > they are.
> > Let me start at the beginning. In Clojure, we have standard reference types
> > for:
> > * uncoordinated, synchronous state change,
> > * coordinated, synchronous state change,
> > * uncoordinated, asynchronous state change.
> > Most Clojure users are familiar with the following diagram expressing the
> > reference type taxonomy. (The ASCII diagrams in this e-mail are best viewed
> > in a fixed-width font.)
> >               | Synchronous  | Asynchronous
> > --------------+--------------+-----------------
> > Uncoordinated | Atoms        | Agents
> > Coordinated   | Refs         |
> > It occurred to me recently that there is no built-in reference type for the
> > final quadrant: coordinated, asynchronous change. There is no reference
> > type, in other words, allowing one to write a "doasync" block similar to a
> > dosync block:
> > (doasync   ;short for do asynchronously
> >   (send a inc)
> >   (send b inc))
> > causing a and b to change together atomically in the background. I thought
> > to myself that it would be nice to have this ability in some applications,
> > especially simulation, artificial life, and agent-based modeling. It allows
> > one thread to effect coordinated change in other threads while getting on
> > with its own work.
> > I pondered more and realized that, although there is no built-in reference
> > type for this purpose, one can make a first stab at the same effect using a
> > combination of futures and refs:
> > (future
> >   (dosync
> >     (alter a inc)
> >     (alter b inc)))
> > The future wraps the atomic transaction and causes it to take place in a
> > background thread.
> > This solution satisfied me for a day or two. Upon some more thought,
> > however, I realized that combining refs with futures is a recipe for
> > livelock disaster. Here is why. In a massively concurrent program with heavy
> > asynchronous state change, it is unlikely that any one ref will stay the
> > same for very long. The kind of coordinated change offered by a ref
> > transaction is unlikely to be successful in this kind of constantly-changing
> > environment, because the values of the refs are constantly being changed out
> > from under the transaction attempts. Consider the following illustration, in
> > which I try to modify a ref at the same time that it is being changed
> > continually from another thread:
> > ;;;;;;;;;;;; begin example ;;;;;;;;;;;;
> > (def a (ref 1))
> > ; the code for start-frequent-changes is at
> > ;http://gist.github.com/373143
> > (start-frequent-changes a)
> > ; this code will never print its message
> > (let [done? (agent nil)]
> >   (future
> >     (dosync
> >       (alter a (fn negate [val] (Thread/sleep 300) (- val)))
> >         ; negate is a long-running function of its argument
> >       (send done? (fn [_] (println "Done!"))))))
> > ;;;;;;;;;;;; end example ;;;;;;;;;;;;
> > The principle illustrated by this example is the following: when one or
> > more other threads are changing a ref, a computationally expensive
> > transaction on that ref is likely to encounter livelock. The more expensive
> > the transaction and the more frequent the changes, the less likely it is
> > that the transaction will ever go through. It will retry over and over,
> > consuming resources and potentially retrying forever.
> > Rich introduced ensure in part to try to mitigate this problem. Livelock
> > can be avoided in the example above by placing a simple "(ensure a)" call at
> > the beginning of the dosync block. Ensure ensures that the transaction holds
> > "write permissions" on the ref during the transaction, so that other threads
> > cannot modify it.
> > However, the combination of futures, refs, and ensure is not a terribly
> > good solution to coordinated asynchronicity, either, because it has a
> > problem of its own: The order in which futures are executed is not
> > deterministic. Race conditions will occur, and this is a big problem when
> > dealing with state.
> > To illustrate this, suppose one has three refs, a, b, and c. (In a real
> > scenario, instead of just three refs one might have three groups of 20 refs,
> > but three refs is enough to illustrate.) One wants to complete three
> > asynchronous transactions on these refs in the following order: first,
> > modify a, then modify both a and b, then modify both a and c.
> > The problem is this: There is no way, using futures, refs, and ensure, to
> > guarantee that the three asynchronous transactions will happen in the order
> > one intends. Running the following code will usually print 3, but sometimes
> > it will print 2, because there is a race condition affecting the second and
> > third futures.
> > ;;;;;;;;;;;; begin example ;;;;;;;;;;;;
> > (let [a (ref 1)
> >       b (ref 2)
> >       c (ref 3)]
> >   (future (dosync (ensure a) (alter a #(do (Thread/sleep 200) %))))
> >   (future (dosync (ensure a) (alter a (fn [_] @b)) (alter b identity)))
> >   (future (dosync (ensure a) (alter a (fn [_] @c)) (alter c identity)))
> >   (Thread/sleep 300)
> >   (println @a))
> > ;;;;;;;;;;;; end example ;;;;;;;;;;;;
> > This race condition should not be surprising, because the whole point of a
> > futures is to evaluate its body quickly and asynchronously, without any
> > guarantees as to timing. However, this kind of flexibility is not amenable
> > to modifications of state. One usually wants modifications of state to
> > happen in order, because such operations are usually not commutable.
> > The solution to the race-condition problem already exists in the language,
> > of course, in the semantics of agents. When using agents, one can rely on
> > the fact that the functions sent by send and send-off will always be
> > evaluated in the order they were sent. If one rewrites the last example
> > using agents, one sees there is never the potential for a race condition.
> > The following code always prints 3:
> > ;;;;;;;;;;;; begin example ;;;;;;;;;;;;
> > (let [a (agent 1)
> >       b (agent 2)
> >       c (agent 3)]
> >   (send a #(do (Thread/sleep 200) %))
> >   (do (send a (fn [_] @b)) (send b identity))
> >   (do (send a (fn [_] @c)) (send c identity))
> >   (Thread/sleep 300)
> >   (println @a))
> > ;;;;;;;;;;;; end example ;;;;;;;;;;;;
> > The reason this code is safe, as everyone on this list already knows, is
> > that agents have a built-in queue. Unlike refs, which rely on a CAS+retry
> > model, agents guarantee that modifications will be queued and take place in
> > the order they were requested.
> > All of these observations led me to try to expand my mental model of
> > Clojure's reference types. Recall the diagram I started with:
> >               | Synchronous  | Asynchronous
> > --------------+--------------+-----------------
> > Uncoordinated | Atoms        | Agents
> > Coordinated   | Refs         |
> > This diagram is overly simplistic. In reality, the diagram should have
> > three dimensions, not two. The three dimensions are:
> > * synchronous vs. asynchronous
> > * uncoordinated vs. coordinated
> > * CAS+retry vs. queued    <--- this dimension is important
> > Redrawing the diagram in three dimensions, we now have eight cells instead
> > of four. We can fill in six of the cells by combining the standard reference
> > types with futures and await:
> > Uncoordinated:
> >           | Synchronous    | Asynchronous
> > ----------+----------------+-----------------
> > CAS+Retry | Atoms          | Futures + atoms
> > Queued    | Agents + await | Agents
> > Coordinated:
> >           | Synchronous    | Asynchronous
> > ----------+----------------+-----------------
> > CAS+Retry | Refs           | Futures + refs
> > Queued    | ?              | ?
> > Looking at this diagram, I realized that as powerful as the existing
> > reference types are, it is impossible to fill in the ?'s easily using them
> > alone.
> > There is no reason this has to be so. I decided to try to prototype a new
> > reference type to fill in the ?'s. For now, let me call this new reference
> > type a serf (as in a worker you can order around).
> > The semantics of serfs are as follows. This is tentative and very much
> > subject to suggestions and criticism. Just as a dosync block wraps a ref
> > transaction, a "send-dosync" block wraps a serf transaction. Within a
> > send-dosync block, serfs are treated just like refs. You can alter and
> > commute them, just as you would a ref. There are two differences between
> > serfs and refs. First, the transaction as a whole is executed
> > asynchronously, not synchronously. Second, each serf has a queue, just like
> > agents do. Before a given transaction is executed, the transaction must
> > reach the front of
> ...
> read more »

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