I am working with a collection of sequences ...(e.g.
((/f /b /c /4 /5 /6 /3 /6 /f /4 /3 /2 /4 /5 /7 /3 /6...) (/2 /b /c /4 /
2 /
6 /3 /7 /f /4 /3 /2 /4 /5 /7 /3 /6...)...)

I want to rearange the sequence into groups of 4 where the later 2
elements are moved to the front for example:

(/f /b /c /4 /5 /6 /3 /6 /f /4 /3 /2 /4 /5 /7 /3 /6...)   I want to
transform it as follows:

(/c /4 /f /b /3 /6 /5 /6 /3 /2 /f /4....)

I can break the collection of sequences up into groups of 4 as

(map #(partition 4 %) coll)

However I am having problems taking the resulting partitioned sequence
and further subdividing into groups of 2 before reversing the paired
groups order.

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