Just this week I noticed that Apache HttpComponents 4.0.1 and 4.1
use completely different methods to apply pre-emptive HTTP Basic
Auth, and have even changed class hierarchies. A version of clj-
apache-http targeted at 4.0.1 won't even run against a 4.1 jar (and
vice versa), *even without AOT*, because the package names are
different. On the other hand, some libraries -- such as log4j --
preserve API compatibility across versions.
In fact, I just hit a concrete example of this.
clj-apache-http uses httpcomponents 4.0.1.
ring uses 4.0-alpha6, which is obsolete.
One of my projects currently will not build because ring's transitive
dependency gets pulled into lib, and apparently gets on the classpath
first, causing the load of clj-apache-http to fail:
[null] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching ctor found
for class org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext (http.clj:274)
Now I have to fix Ring, and hope that mmcgrana will accept the fix and
deploy to the central repo. That fix might break someone else's code
in turn. Oh, the tangled webs we weave.
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