Is it possible in maven or leiningen to place a dependency not on a
specific version of a pre-built artifact, but rather on a specific scm
revision (or just head, aka SNAPSHOT for binary releases) of a
project's source repository, and having the machinery understand it
has to first locally build the dependency into a jar/whatever in the
process of compiling one's project ?

Alternatively, is it possible to at least depend on a "source" version
of the dependency, having it compiled on the fly locally when
compiling the main project ? (so that one could benefit from AOP, and
this could also solve the problem of a library mixing java and clojure
source) ?

Does all that make sense ?

2010/1/22 Stuart Sierra <>:
> On Jan 21, 8:21 pm, Richard Newman <> wrote:
>> Apparently everyone is jumping on the Leiningen bandwagon and deleting
>> their build.xml files. I guess that means I'm moving, too.
> Deleting build.xml files is good.  After that, you've got several
> options, including Leiningen and clojure-maven-plugin, both of which
> are based on the Maven dependency model.
>> Now, I like to keep track of Clojure master. Right now, Clojure
>> reports "Clojure 1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT".
>> (I don't see that in Maven Central or in Clojars, so I guess I have to
>> put it in my local repository...?)
> Clojure and clojure-contrib have daily snapshots in a Maven repository
> at
>> Unfortunately, not everybody keeps up-to-date like I do; most of the
>> projects I use demand "1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT". I'm sure there are still
>> projects that demand 1.0.
> This is the problem of a young language and immature libraries.  You
> may need to compile those projects yourself and install them in a
> local repository.
> -SS
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