Ugly is in the eye of the beholder :), but anyway, I got curious and
dug up some info on scala's recursion:

On Jan 17, 7:39 am, itsnotvalid <> wrote:
> Just started learning Clojure a day ago with Stuart's book I found
> that Clojure doesn't do tail recursion optimization, not at least for
> the most simplest form. Instead the call must be made to recur instead
> of the function itself.
> However in the more-or-less-the-same-camp Scala does such optimization
> (not for the case with ta which Clojure's FAQ claims that "if JVM
> doesn't we can't do anything". I don't know how exactly Scala does
> this however using special form "recur" is very ugly and makes quite a
> bit of functional programming very pointless (just look at the famous
> 'fib'.)
> Or I am just plain wrong.
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