Hi all.

I'm working on implementing a solution for extracting slices of
multidimensional vectors, in the sense of vectors of vectors. I'm
taking the recursive route. I'm almost there, just have to work out a
few things. But I was wondering, this being a rather straightforward
need, perhaps it's already been done by someone, or maybe it's even in
the colujure.contrib libraries somewhere, so I thought I'd come here
and ask to see if anybody knows something I don't! I wouldn't want to
reinvent the wheel so to speak :)

Anyway, I'm trying to follow the MATLAB path. For instance, suppose
this is a 5x5 matrix:

(def a [[2 3 5 7 11] [13 17 19 23 29] [31 37 41 43 47] [53 59  61
67   71]  [73   79   83   89   97]])


(submvec a [[0 2 4] [0 2 4]])

would yield:

[[2 5 11] [13 19 29] [31 41 47] [53 61 71] [73 83 97]] (actually a

In other words, [0 2 4] is to be interpreted as [START STRIDE END].
STRIDE should be optional.

What do you think? And, above all, has it already been done (or
something similar)?

Thank you.

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