Stuart Sierra <> writes:

> On Dec 31 2009, 9:58 pm, Phil Hagelberg <> wrote:
>> I wonder if it would be a good idea to include a
>> namespace in Clojure itself. I've mentioned the idea a few times on IRC,
>> and people seemed to be very much in favour.
> I've considered this too, but I know Rich Hickey has plans for a
> dedicated I/O library.  It's been on for a
> while.  Details are sketchy, but presumably it would be functional,
> stream-based, and thread-safe.

Hmm... last I heard those features were abandoned or shelved, but I
could be wrong. If there are plans and ideas for a more functional I/O
library in the near future we should be discussing that instead. I'm
just speaking from what's worked for me in the past year.


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