Hi All,

I'll confused about the hold-onto-your-head business when building lazy seqs
using lazy-seq.

The "lazier" documentation on the web site doesn't really clear things up
for me, though I've read it a few times.

Under what circumstances must one use a "step" function, and under what
circumstances it it acceptable not to?

If this is covered in depth somewhere other than the "lazier" page please
feel free just to send a link.

As a point of discussion, does the following function have the potential to
cause memory problems?

Some notes: *kernel* and *options* are dynamic vars I want the lazy-seq to
close over. parse-simple-atom is a function for parsing each element
("atom," **unrelated to Clojure atoms**) of the coll. type is an arg that is
used in the parsing of each element of the coll.

(defn parse-expr-coll-to-lazy-seq [coll type]
    (let [kernel  *kernel*
                options *options*]
            (binding [*kernel*  kernel
                                *options* options]
                (when-let [s (seq coll)]
                    (cons (parse-simple-atom (first s) type)
(parse-expr-coll-to-lazy-seq (rest s) type)))))))


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