2009/11/18 Jacek Laskowski <ja...@laskowski.net.pl>:
> user=> (macroexpand '(-> v (assoc i (v j)) (assoc j (v i))))
> (assoc (clojure.core/-> v (assoc i (v j))) j (v i))
> How to expand the macro in the subform above?

You can use clojure.walk/macroexpand-all:

(clojure.walk/macroexpand-all '(cond (even? 2) :foo (odd? 2) :bar :else :baz))
(if (even? 2) :foo (if (odd? 2) :bar (if :else :baz nil)))

In slime that's available as slime-macroexpand-all which is bound to
C-c M-m (at least in my system).

> Jacek

  ! Lauri

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