Thanks for posting these examples; I'd never thought of using
multimethods that way.  And thanks for the Swing example.
    I'm really interested in functional-reactive programming; hope we
see lots of that stuff in Clojure.  Anyone ever used FrTime in PLT?
    Here's the Swing events without the Swing.  Didn't know you could
override deref and invoke like that....

    '(java.util.concurrent LinkedBlockingQueue)
    '(clojure.lang IDeref IFn))

(defn hydra
  "returns a BlockingQueue, will return a new infinite lazy-seq
wrapped in a delay
  evertime it is deref'ed. all items put in the LinkedBlockingQueue
will be added to
  all the lazy-seqs producded by deref'ing"
  (let [consumers (atom nil)
        producer (proxy [LinkedBlockingQueue IDeref IFn] []
                   (invoke [& x]
                           (doseq [y x] (.put this y)))
                   (deref []
                          (let [x (LinkedBlockingQueue.)]
                            (swap! consumers conj x)
                            (delay (repeatedly #(.take x))))))]
      (while true
        (let [x (.take producer)]
          (doseq [y @consumers]
            (.put y x)))))

(def queue (hydra))

;see it working
(def results (atom nil))

(def show (fn [] (.start (Thread. (fn [] (doseq [i (force
@queue)] ;derefing the lbq from hydra returns a delay wrapped lazy-seq
  (swap! results conj i)))))))

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