Current documentation on the clojure.org is not context based.
I know that there is a cheat sheet, but there should be also something like 
this for HTML version,
where I just click a function link name and can read doc (and examples - but 
about it read just below).

Current documentation given in a long list is context free and its much harder 
to learn.
Just look at the Java API - you click on HashMap and can read all related to it 
Because function programing is beased on small number of data types and many 
which modify them it is a must be for shorter learing curve.

Other suggestion is to make an ability to post an example by the community for 
each method use (on the official clojure API page).
This would be moderated by 2 or 3 people (maybe even Rich Hickey himself) and 
after acceptance it would be available to see by all.
Functional requirments: code syntax coloured, ability to comment own code (or 
just use ; to comment it), capatcha to block vi***ra adv., rating by anonymous 
to see which examples are worth of keeping on the official API doc.

Finally there should be also algorithm cheeat sheet. Like: 

Chapter: Loops

Goal: do a loop on sequence and break processing after meeting a condition 
Imperative equivalent: while with break after if condtion becomes true)
Examples: blah blah
Comments: moderated commnets goes here

Goal: do an infinitive loop on a sequence
Imperative equivalent: infinitve for(;;)
Examples: blah blah
Comments: moderated comments goes here

Goal: do a reading from lazy sequence
Imperative eq: reading stream until coondtion in while becomes false
Examples: blah balh
Comments: moderated comments goes here


All this would make Clojure first joice for learning FP. Clojure would get 
Critical Mass, so it would become very popular. 
These all functionalites would greatly save all of us some time. Believe in 
community, we live in "Web 2.0" times.

Be so flexible and open minded as your language is Rich.


PS. Link to contrib-lib API is now somehow hard to find (I had to bookmark it).

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