Hi Daniel,

I too like the iter macro so much that I've written my own version for
clojure (http://github.com/hoeck/clojurebox2d/blob/master/hoeck/
iterate.clj :).
I use it to make it easier to work with the JBox2D physics engine,
which is a a Java port from Box2D (written in C++) and thus often uses
C++ Idioms like plain Objects with .getNext to traverse a list and
more arrays than iterators.
Also, traversing an array and picking/collecting/modifying some of its
contents is way simpler in an iter clause than writing a clojure loop.
So, I'm not really using it as a replacement for map, filter, reduce
and friends, but as a more convenient replacement to loop/recur and
areduce. Maybe, if there is some interest in it, we could make a
unified iterate implementation?


On 6 Nov., 01:03, Daniel Janus <nath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am happy to announce the public availability of clj-iter, an Iterate-
> like iteration macro. It is free (available under the terms of MIT
> license) and can be found on GitHub:http://github.com/nathell/clj-iter
> The design goal was to keep it as simple as possible, and make it
> blend well with the rest of Clojure.  In
> contrast to cl-loop, which uses mutable bindings, clj-iter has a
> functional flavour, and macroexpands to the kind of code you would
> write manually using loop/recur.  It is also very simple, having a
> fraction of Iterate's functionality, but I hope even the little there
> is will be sufficient in many cases.
> To avoid citing the entire README blurb, I'll just give you some
> examples:
>     (iter (for x in [31 41 59 26])
>           (for y from 1)
>           (collect (+ x y)))
>     ==> (32 43 62 30)
>     (iter (for s on [1 2 3 4 5])
>         (for q initially () then (cons (first s) q))
>         (collect (cons (first s) (concat (take 2 (rest s)) (take 2
> q)))))
>     ==> ((1 2 3) (2 3 4 1) (3 4 5 2 1) (4 5 3 2) (5 4 3))
> Please let me know whether it is of any use to you.  Feedback, and
> especially patches, are more than welcome.
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