
I'm getting some strange errors when trying to make a POST request
using the Clojure contrib http-agent library (http://

When I run:

(use 'clojure.contrib.http.agent)

(println (string (http-agent "http://www.google.com"; :method
"POST" :body "param=true")))

The REPL simply hangs forever.

However, when I run the following:

(def agt (http-agent "http://www.google.com"; :method "POST" :body
;...wait a bit or add a (Thread/sleep 1000)
(println (string agt))

I get a correct response (Google saying it doesn't like POST requests)

Also, the (result ... ) function appears to work fine also:

(println (result (http-agent "http://www.google.com"; :method
"POST" :body "param=true")))

So it looks like something in the (string ... ) function is causing it
to hang if the response has not yet completed. Anyone have any idea
what might be causing this?



Does anyone have any ideas why

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