Im attempting to create a named class inside another namespace like

(ns ide.handlers
  (:import [org.eclipse.ui.commands AbstractHandler]))

(defmacro new-handler-class [n event & body]
      (ns ~n
        (:gen-class :extends
~'org.eclipse.ui.commands.AbstractHandler :init ~'init))
      (defn ~'-init [] [[][]])
      (defn ~'-execute [~'this ~event]

(new-handler-class ide.KeyTest _
  (.print System/out "HI"))

However, when i (compile 'ide.handlers) it generate a class named
KeyTest$_init_307.class along with KeyTest.class.
When i attempt to launch, i get the following error

Caused by: Could not locate ide/
KeyTest__init.class or ide/KeyTest.clj on classpath:

So, apparently i need a KeyTest_init instead of a KeyTest$_init_307?
Why in the heck is KeyTest.class not referring to the KeyTest
$_init_307?  How do i get this to work? I don't want to create a new
file per class name. And renaming the file doesn't work, i guess the
class name is stored inside somewhere.
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