James Reeves <weavejes...@googlemail.com> writes:

> On Oct 10, 6:33 pm, Stuart Sierra <the.stuart.sie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You know my opinion, which is that we should use Maven to manage
>> dependencies.  Maven 3, due soonish, will enable non-XML project/
>> dependency descriptions.
> But presumably even Maven 3 will need a nice Clojure wrapper.
> Regardless of the backend, what do you consider to be the best syntax
> for representing dependencies in Clojure?

I don't think it belongs in the runtime code at all. Just put a
project.clj file in the top-level of your project, run a shell command
to import your dependencies into your project, and then use a default
project classpath that knows where the dependencies should exist. That
way the code will run the same whether you use maven, capra, a super-jar
for distribution, or for some reason want to go through the trouble of
chasing down your dependencies by hand.

This works right now today with Maven, and apart from the fact that the
pom.xml file has a very lousy syntax it is fairly pleasing.


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