I'm having trouble unit testing clojure code. To be sure I'm just
testing clojure.test, I'm trying to test clojure.contrib.json.read.

test.clj states:

  ;; Run tests with the function "(run-tests namespaces...)":

  (run-tests 'your.namespace 'some.other.namespace)

However, this doesn't work:
> (run-tests 'clojure.contrib.json.read)

What does seem to work is this:
> (test-ns 'clojure.contrib.json.read)
{:test 17, :pass 27, :fail 0, :error 0}

However, I need MUCH more verbose output: which functions passed?
which ones failed (expected/actual)???
test.clj states this should work perfectly:
  ;; You can type an "is" expression directly at the REPL, which will
  ;; print a message if it fails.
  ;;     user> (is (= 5 (+ 2 2)))
  ;;     FAIL in  (:1)
  ;;     expected: (= 5 (+ 2 2))
  ;;       actual: (not (= 5 4))
  ;;     false

but it doesn't work this way at all:
> (is (= 5 (+ 2 2)))

Just false?
How do I enable the nice report?
NOTE: the code above doesn't have any failed functions, but a simple
test function I created only did this:
(test-ns 'test)
{:test 2, :pass 1, :fail 1, :error 0}
*missing == FAIL in ...

I've also tried test_is.clj but I only ever get 'nil' as a result. I
also tried with

I'm sure I've missed it. test.clj contains defmethod report ... that
has the FAIL println in it. I do not know why it is not getting

All suggestions are warmly welcomed.

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