(script.env/def-ns script.ParenMatcher
    :implements [org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ICharacterPairMatcher]
    :state state
    :init init
    :methods [[setPainter
[org.eclipse.jface.text.source.MatchingCharacterPainter] void]])
  (:use script.genutils)
    (org.eclipse.swt SWT)
    (org.eclipse.jface.text IDocument Region)
    (org.eclipse.swt.widgets Display)
    (java.lang Exception)
    (jasko.tim.lisp.util LispUtil)))

returns this error.
 java.lang.IllegalAccessError: script.env/defedfn is not public

Then, script.env is
(ns script.env
 (:use [script.genutils] clojure.contrib.with-ns)
   (org.eclipse.ui PlatformUI IWorkbench IWorkbenchWindow
   (jasko.tim.lisp.editors LispEditor)))

(defmacro prog1 [& body]
  " (prog1 forms*)
    Evaluates all the forms, returning the result of the first form"
  `(let [result# ~(first body)]
     ~@(rest body)

(defmacro def-ns [& args]
    (ns ~...@args)
    (with-ns '~(first args)
      (def ~'*env* (atom nil))
          :only (defedfn with-env get-workbench get-active-workbench-
window get-active-page
                  get-active-editor with-aui with-ui cdefn bind-env
                  create-env-if-empty create-env env get-env set-
env)]))) )

The error occures when trying to do the use. However, when i just
paste the use statement onto the repl whil in
the script.ParenMatcher class, it works fine. I'm lost! What's

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