Heh, I've always wanted one of these. Anyways, I think that instead of
emulating loop , you should try to somewhat emulate iterate. You would
need a code walker, though, because you probably wouldn't want to use
brackets for all the special case loop constructs. Is there one for
clojure? I don't know.
Looks great, btw. I don't know anyone that has done it, but then again
i'm not really on top of things.


On Sep 7, 6:59 am, Tayssir John Gabbour <tayssir.j...@googlemail.com>
> Hi!
> Is anyone else working on a Common Lisp style "loop"? I'd hate to
> duplicate effort.
> I wrote one yesterday, though I still have to read that stuff on how
> to decently package a lib. ;)http://github.com/tayssir/cl-loop/tree/master
> (I might not have written this, but I couldn't figure out a pleasant
> way to iterate many things serially. List comprehensions are really
> close, but they're not "serial" in the sense I mean it.)
> All the best,
> Tayssir
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