On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 2:31 PM, fft1976 <fft1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Aug 11, 8:36 am, John Harrop <jharrop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > System.identityHashCode() and IdentityHashMap. These use a hash that
> > respects reference equality. So one in fact can implement one's own
> > serialization that is O(n) using O(1) hashmap lookups (and using
> reflection,
> > and not working if SecurityManager won't let you setAccessible private
> > fields and the like, so not in an unsigned applet).
> Good to know, thanks. By the way, hash table operations are O(log N),
> because calculating the hash needs to be O(log N), but I'm nitpicking
> now.

The time taken to calculate an object's hash depends on that object's class.
For a String for instance it is linear in the String's length; for an
Integer, it is constant. Furthermore, hashes are often cached
(java.lang.String caches its hash for example). So if A and B are objects
that share a common reference to an object C in their fields, and use C's
hash code in computing their own, C's hash code may be computed only once,
and the cost of hashing A and B may be lower than the sum of the cost of
hashing only A and the cost of hashing only B. Furthermore, if A and B are
serialized again later, their own hashes may not need to be recalculated...

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