> In testing out clojure.contrib.logging within a generated servlet, I
> noticed that the value of *ns* is always clojure.core, and not the ns
> of the code.

I have observed this too (running in SailFin, which is based on  

> Expected response: com.example.servlet
> Actual response: clojure.core

I don't think so. Remember, this'll print the current binding of *ns*  
when that function is invoked, not at compile time. Counter-example:

user=> (ns foo (:refer-clojure))
foo=> (defn bar [] (println *ns*))
foo=> (bar)
#<Namespace foo>
foo=> (ns baz (:refer-clojure))
baz=> (foo/bar)
#<Namespace baz>

The important thing is the binding of *ns* in the thread that invokes  
your servlet. I don't know of a way to control that.


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