Here's some warts, when working with boolean fields from sql

(if (with-db (sql-val ["select convert(bit, 0)"])) "Yes", "no")

will return "Yes". This is because contrib.sql returns java Booleans,
not clojure tru/false.

(if (= false (with-db (sql-val ["select null"]))) "Yes", "no")

will return "no". This is because null is not false in clojure.

So the only way to correctly deal with booleans from sql databases is
to explicitly test for true:

(if (= true (with-db (sql-val ["select null"]))) "Yes", "no")

(if (not (= true (with-db (sql-val ["select null"])))) "Yes", "no")

That's awkward, especially for those of us, coming from Common Lisp.

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