to help with the temptation i wrote a little ruby script which  
configures java classpaths and invokes clojure [only tried on macos...  
probably fine on linux, and should be portable to windows]

if you put all your clojure project repos, including clojure-load.rb,  
in one directory you can invoke it so :

   clojure -l clojure-json

clojure and clojure-contrib are loaded by default at the end of the  
classpath. if a repo doesn't follow the conventional layout, or you  
need more control, you can specify the classpath order and add dirs of  
jars or individual jars or dirs. e.g.

   clojure -l clojure -l clojure-contrib -p compojure/classes -p  
compojure/src -j compojure/deps

and you can give arbitrary jvm args or script args without setting  
environment vars, using the -- separator :

   clojure --script -l clojure-json -- -Xmx1g -- script/path args

ruby is another dependency : i just couldn't face doing it in bash :)


On 27 Jun 2009, at 07:34, Laurent PETIT wrote:

> While I'm far from a java classpath-related issues problem, I think I
> know enough to say that placing your libs in the java.ext.dirs
> classpath is a trick that could lead to problems.
> It's primary and sole intent is to hold extensions to the java API
> that then would be loaded with the core java APIs.
> That's certainly why you're having problems when you mess up the
> dependencies in places where there is a hierarchy of classloaders
> involved : clojure-contrib was loaded with the "main classloader"
> along with java core libraries, and clojure was loaded with a "child"
> classloader. And thus clojure-contrib classes were not able to see any
> of the classes in the child classloader.
> The problem with this java.ext.dirs is of the category of problems
> pointed out by C. Martin (and others!) as a design smell : the one
> named "viscosity" : "doing things right is harder than doing things
> wrong". It's so easy to put everything in this java.ext.dirs directory
> that it's difficult resisting the temptation !
> Regards,
> -- 
> Laurent
> 2009/6/27 Chouser <>:
>> When I starting Clojure, I generally point -Djava.ext.dirs
>> at a "classpaths" directory.  That's where I dump jars,
>> symlinks to jars, and symlinks to the 'src' and 'classes'
>> directories of the various projects I have installed.
>> I know that some people have had trouble with java.ext.dirs
>> and instead use wildcards in their classpaths or other more
>> complicated solutions.  But since I've never seen these
>> problems described in enough detail to reproduce or
>> troubleshoot, when I stumbled on one tonight I thought it'd
>> be worth documenting...
>> Here is the simplest way I've found to produce the error I'm
>> seeing:
>> 1. Compile clojure-contrib
>> 2. Create a "classpaths" directory with symlink to
>>   clojure-contrib/classes, so as to add the compiled contrib
>>   classes to the classpath.  Mine lookes like this:
>> $ ls -l classpaths/
>> total 0
>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 chouser chouser 32 2009-06-27 00:54 classes ->
>> ../proj/clojure-contrib/classes/
>> 3. Start clojure and try to use something from contrib:
>> java -Djava.ext.dirs=classpaths -cp proj/clojure/clojure.jar  
>> clojure.main
>> user=> (require 'clojure.contrib.math)
>> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: clojure/lang/RT (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
>> The full stack trace for that exception is attached.
>> I've found two workarounds so far.  Take your pick:
>> A. Add clojure.jar to the "classpaths" directory.  Once
>> that's done, it doesn't matter if you also specify it in -cp
>> on the java command line or not:
>> $ ls -l classpaths/
>> total 0
>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 chouser chouser 32 2009-06-27 00:54 classes ->
>> ../proj/clojure-contrib/classes/
>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 chouser chouser 27 2009-06-27 01:06 clojure.jar ->
>> ../proj/clojure/clojure.jar
>> B. Remove the contrib link from "classpaths" and specify it
>> on the java command line instead:
>> java -Djava.ext.dirs=classpaths -cp proj/clojure-contrib/classes  
>> clojure.main
>> --Chouser
> >

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